Monday 27 April 2009

Noah Trailer 2:

Saturday 25 April 2009

finished the second set today, spent the last coupla hours doing some lighting tests/ finding out some electrical fiddling is needed.

anyway heres a preview

Thursday 23 April 2009

I will *attempt to keep this vaguely updated.. today ive been working on the second set, which is for the second half of the film, heres how it looks so far:

so far so good. More updating SOON

Sunday 19 April 2009

Its been a very long while since ive updated this blog. Im afraid ive been very busy with all this film making and so fourth. Ive kept more upto date with logging my progress on my facebook, so i can link to that if more info is of interest.

Anyway to make up a little for lost time here is the trailer for my film. Im about halfway through shooting at this point. Enjoy :)

Wednesday 11 March 2009

Lots of stuffs been haooening in the last few weeks, so apologies for lack of updates. My armature from john right is finished as you can see, and the sets been developing well

Tuesday 24 February 2009

Hallo, just an update on my work during the last week. Last monday (16th feb) I was in newport working on my molds and making some props for John's film (knopic jars). I stayed in newport till the wednesday working on molds with help from John and making a few odds and ends for him as well, but eventually I had to return to Bristol becasue I ran out of silicone (which i was using for making molds onf the head parts) and had a backup supply there. I cocked up the silicon moulding in bristol a bit as I diddnt shake the catalyst liquid before mixing it with the silicone, which ment it took several days to cure (some bits are still sticky now!) and I made a fair bit of mess, but its turned out okay now.. The weekend was quiet work wise as I was traveling around alot visiting a convention and seeing my grandmother. Today I've been finishing the last of the purs for my molds, making them all complete now (bar the facial mold). Once the 2 foot molds are set I'll take them to John Wright to help him build armatures to fit them, hopefuly I can do that this evening. Im heading to newport again tomorrow to see my dissertation tutor and I may hang around there for thursday as well to get advice from John on doing my resin casts and also so that I can speak to Larua Jons who has asked for some advice on using photoshop. During this week I also did a couple of sound tests, but they wernt that great, i need to get back into it. A few local mates of mine are gonna help me out with the sound now if all goes well.

Thursday 12 February 2009

Ive finally got some mold making pictures to put up, i have 7 molds finished so far, s'been a busy week! my resin and spare silicone arrived today so im beginning on the molds for the head armature next, and doing some test casts....